
Following the crowning of my NHS experience with a stint at a PCT and the resulting redundancy (traumatic, though much wanted and worked for), my husband and I are going back to my roots near a small village in Smaland, Sweden. These are our experiences.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"You are the brand"

The café is up and running, though I'm waiting for my first electricity bill to see if it can pay for itself yet.  It's not exactly packed, though people are coming back and bringing friends.  As it's not on the main drag, it's more of a special visit sort of place, so it makes it very weather dependent.  I've been amusing myself by guessing how many visitors will come when I read the weather for the day and so far I've been very right!

Marketing is interesting though.  Trying to convince my marvellous, though London, graphics man that it is actually OK to put up laminated A5 bits of paper cos it's the only thing that works on a hamlet notice board.  Social media is definitely good, if you are prepared to use it to communicate things totally unrelated to any sort of real life and to be relentlessly perky.  It's having a sort of BlackBook effect on me though, probably one of those balance of nature things, like sugar and insulin.

 I've been firmly resisting, so far, fame.  ??? I hear you cry, 'how on earth can you be famous'.  Indeed, but apparently the web abounds with blogs that net huge earnings, lucrative deals and general well-knowness etc. On the same floor as my humble cafe is the office of one of those bloggers, who shall be known here as Cup Cake Queen of Norway.  CCQN is very good at what she does and works relentlessly. She jets off over the world and stays in 5 star hotels advising princesses etc having been a normal housewife before she started the blog thing. It seems so unusual to actively go against society's wish for fame/ the desire to leave something of worth that I think that it must be a hangover from childhood upbringing/indoctrination.  It probably explains my resistance to updating this blog and improving my writing skills.   I'll have to get fame therapy, there must be a blog somewhere....

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