I am now no longer an unemployed NHS Manager. I am officially no longer evil, doubley evil, if Ian Duncan Smith is to be believed re the unemployed. I own and run a café, Get me! It's even got a proper espresso machine, which I have every hope of mastering one day. I think the trick is to have excellent coffee, then no-one will notice you don't know what you're doing.
You probably want to see pics. Haven't got any, sorry, but despair not, I will come with my camera next week, once I've got over the shock.
I've been open 1 week and some people have been back! and brought friends!! others have complained that it isn't 'normal'. It is normal if you live in a) a city, b) any other country in the world, but some people have not been to either, so, no, it's not normal - it's got a proper espresso machine!!
As you may have noticed from the surfeit of exclaimation marks, it's all been a bit much. In fact, I can honestly say that I will never, ever do it again. I have never, never been so stressed in my life. Not in the redundancy, not in my finals, not in doing the sound for Justin's funeral in front of a whole load of BBC bods or not in standing in front of 500 baying surgeons (in fact, the last was just normal...). Graham was a complete and utter star and stopped me chewing my own arms off. A bit later I will write Karin's Guide to Setting Up a Cafe, but now I'm just enjoying a time with no customers for a few minutes - hint, custom is incredibly weather dependent.
Anyone for coffee?