
Following the crowning of my NHS experience with a stint at a PCT and the resulting redundancy (traumatic, though much wanted and worked for), my husband and I are going back to my roots near a small village in Smaland, Sweden. These are our experiences.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Daily Commute

In my previous life, my commute was on the underground from Zone 4 to Zone 4 on the other side of London.  If I left before 6:50am, I would mostly get a seat, though towards the end, I did have to get there by 6:40, and the trip was straight through, for one hour.  My home station and destination station were above ground, so I could wait in the open air and caught some pretty nice sunrises and sunsets.  The inbetween bits were stressful, crowded, hot and smelly though.  Now I've started the summer cafe, I have a commute again.  This, as you can imagine is somewhat different.  For a start, I have to drive.  I say 'have to' I could actually cycle.  It would take about an hour, but I've done that from Perivale to Charing Cross Hospital (in Hammersmith) before now and that was OK. However, I've borrowed a neighbour's son's car, which is fantastically battered and I love it, even the mould demon smell.

Here are photos of a journey home from work.  So instead of starting in Leytonstone, I start in Habo and instead of ending up in Perivale, I end up in Bet.  (Interestingly, neither of them 'officially' exist as their own entities).  The journey takes about 20min.
Leaving Habo

Passing the processing of the second silage crop

Coming up to Habo church

rounding the corner of the church

to the top of the hill

imaging living with that view!

Heading south to the main road
On the 'other side'!

Southfork! Makes me laugh every time, sorry...

Driving through fields of rye... the barley is a little further on.

Through various farmyards

a favourite shed

and the road goes ever on...

Turning off the tarmac into the home stretch

Alternative transport in case you get hit by a moose.

Into the forest

Almost there!

Heading into Bet

Home sweet home

Sunday, July 7, 2013

After a fortnight feeding the masses - not

Well! it's been a fortnight now and you can guess it's not busy by the fact that I'm sitting and typing this.  It's a lovely sunny weekend after a few weeks of rain and showers, so everyone wants to be out, not sitting around in a cafe drinking coffee.  So being an enterprising entreupeneueueueueur (help, how do you stop spelling it??) I'm going to do snack bags to be ordered when you get a bike from the local bike hire shop.

I have to say that I'm learning lots and lots about what people want and when.  Especially what to bake.  Maybe it's better when it's a regular cafe, but for a summer cafe, people want a massive treat and that means goo, not gingerbread and muffins.  Cake that is mainly cream, whisked things and that doesn't stand a chance of standing up straight.  Moderation is most definitely not in!  All the things I carefully baked and froze, I think we are destined to be eating up to Christmas.  Fortunately, there is someone upstairs who bakes to take photos of it, she is on a cheesecake push AND doesn't want any payment, as she would normally have to throw them away.  Result - lots of goo!

The only thing now is how to get people through the doors.  At the beginning I think I blew it with some by having too weak coffee (different now I've taken in my coffee measuring spoon from home) and, being as neurotic as a very neurotic person, I now think that everyone in Habo won't come because of the awful coffee.  You also can't trust the Swedes to give accurate feedback as they are concerned about upsetting you too much.

Still, it's great experience and I'm probably going to open my own place next year.  If only, cos it's a bit late to opt out now!  Best reason ever!